Counseling & Career Center Staff

Meet our counseling staff at JCC

Meet with a trained counselor and talk about your accomplishments, goals, and struggles. You can email the Counseling and Career Center, schedule a meeting through Starfish, stop in, or call us at:

  • Jamestown Campus: 716.338.1007 or 716.338.1065
  • Cattaraugus County Campus: 716.376.7559
  • North County Center: 716.363.6528 or 716.363.6527


Morgan Franchina, Director of the Counseling and Career Center | 716.338.1007 or 716.338.1065

Morgan Franchina headshot

Jamestown Campus

Wendy Burns, Senior Student Services Assistant | 716.338.1065

Wendy Burns headshot

Jamie Coccarelli, Counselor | 716.338.1007 or 716.338.1065

Jamie Coccarelli headshot

Colette Haight, Coordinator, Academic Advising; Counselor; Assistant Professor | 716.338.1007 or 716.338.1065

Colette Haight headshot

Kristin Olson, Counselor | 716.338.1007 or 716.338.1065

Kristin Olson headshot

Tammy Smith, Counselor | 716.338.1007 or 716.338.1065

Tammy Smith headshot

Cattaraugus County Campus

Scott Kane, Counselor | 716.376.7559

Dianna Shaw, Counselor | 716.376.7559

Dianna Shaw headshot

Tammy Skroback, Student Services Assistant | 716.376.7559

Tammy Skroback headshot

North County Center

Tawn Bensink, Counselor | 716.363.6528

Tawn Bensink headshot

Tracey Spinuzza, Counselor | 716.363.6527

Tracey Spinuzza headshot